Friday, September 6, 2013

Your Sense Are Connected, But Not To Your Brain - Code Geass


Name: Antoinette Belle Leroux 
Nicknames: Belle 
Alias: Phantom 

Age: 17-18 
Gender: Female 

Date of Birth: Demeber 25, 2000 
Date of Death: n/a 

Bloodtype: AB+ 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Nationality: French 

[Personal Status] 

Status: Alive 

Knighted, Duchess of the Holy Britannian Empire 
Daughter of the Prime Minister of France 
Funder of The Black Knights Strategist of the Black Knights (3rd in command) 
Future Princess of Britannia (By Political Marriage) 
Guest Council Chairman of the United Federations of Nations. 

Prime Minister of France (Next in Line) 

[Appearance and Style Details] 

Height : 5’5 
Weight: 115 

Body Type: Hour Glass 
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde 
Eye Color: Dark Blue 
Skin Tone: Cream Toned Clothing 

Style: Civil, yet fashionable and chic 
Scent: Lila 
Noticeable Features: Her long, thick curled lashes and pouty pink lips. 

[Professional Status] 

Knightmare Pilot 
Public Figure 
Duchess of Britannia 

United Federation of Nations 
The Black Knights 
Holy Britannian Empire 
French Imperial Family 

[Personality Details] 

Antoinette is a sweet and gentle girl, who reaches the expectations of basically everyone. She is always laughing and can be honest, and outspoken. She is considered a delight to most people and can be seen as clutzy and clueless. 

Behind closed doors, Antoinette is actually extremely intelligent, and can be a tad sadist. She is cruel and honest to the bone, she acts conceited and is bored very easily. She likes a mental challenge and often finds it in the Black Knights. 

She is very vengeful, witty and laughs at inappropriate moments, when it comes to business she is serious and does not joke around, this side not really seen by a lot of people.  


As a child Antoinette lived a very spoiled and enclosed. Her father, Gaston Leroux was very protective of her, and wanted his child to be safe, after an incident with Britannia, that tried to take over Europe with war, ending by killing her mother, Angeline. 

She was kept enclosed, homeschooled, she never went out unless with her father and to go shopping. She found her entertainment in books, being what she read and did during most of her years. She developed a photogenic memory, learning at an extremely fast rate to the point where she has skipped lessons and academic levles. 

She grew extremely bored and dreamed of going out, but her father forbid her to do such. 

By the time she was 16, she had been arranged to marry Schneizel el Britannia, as a ways of putting all differences aside and creating peace between Europe and Britannia.

 A week after she turned 17, her father died, saying to have been poisoned and blamed the house keeper for it, when in reality, Antoinette had done it for revenge of forcing her into marriage, and the hatred she felt for having her so enclosed for her entire life. 

After her fathers death, she inherited everything, making the young teen extremely wealthy and in line as the Prime Minister of France, but decided to keep that on hold for the moment.

She travels a lot of Britannia, mainly with her husband to be and was once kidnapped by the Black Knights, unknown to Lelouch, the girl had a small secret that no one knew, she possessed Geass, and was able to read the males ‘profile’ discovering who he was. After some time she was sworn to secrecy, once she was offered to become an ally, finding the reason and the whole structure so entriguing she decided to accept, being the main source of money (In which she usually says it’s for shopping and covers up as such). 


Knightmare Pilot; Phantom
Knightmare Frame: Sakkaku (Illusion) 
Unit Type: Aircraft Commander Eight Generation Knightmare Frame 

Manifacturer: Militarized Zone of India 
Primary User: The Black Knights 
Status: Active 
Pilot: Antoinette Belle Leroux 

- Crew: One 
- Height: 4.49 meter 
- Weight: 8.81 tons 
- Power Source : Yggdrasil Drive, Energy Filler. 

Design Feature: 
- Air Glide Wing System 
- Cockpit Ejection System 
- Blaze Luminous System 
- Factsphere System 
- Landspinner Propulsion 

System Arment: 
- Missile Launching Shield 
- VARIS Rifle 

 Optional Arment: 
- Special Design sensor to project her illusions. 

Contracter: Unknown 
Eye held : Both (Perfectly controlled) 

- Create illusions 
- Read peoples profile, personal information about themselves 
- Cannot be affected by other geass. 

- Gets massive headaches and can passout if used an a large amount. 
- If a V.V is near, it is interrupted and faded. 


Being such a high figure, Antoinette cannot reveal herself in battles, in which she rarely does. She is her cold hearted self with a hint of sarcastic. Once usually stands back and watches, creating a small game of chess in which she moves just as the fight goes along and from there she plans the next move if in crisis. When she does battle, she covers her face with a helmet, and her Knightmare frame has a way to change in her voice when speaking to sound like a male. 

[Marital Status] 

Civil Status: Engaged (Political Marriage) 
Fiancé: Schneizel el Britannia 
Crush: Lelouch Vi Britannia 


 - It is not known to any, but she has actually beaten Schneizel in a game of chess once. 
- She enjoys going to Ashford Academy’s Festivals, and finds them fun. 
- It is unknown to Charles Zi Britannia that other geass do not affect her, so once he tried to erase her memory she played along. 
- She has a fear of bugs, since she was closed in for so long, she had never experienced them. 
 - She often spends time with Nunnally in the Castle. 
- She has a strong dislike to Kallen. 
- She enjoys hiding her face behind a handfan that was her mothers and acts as her. 
- She is a major tease. 
- She likes to wander around and find out information on the Knights of Round. 
- She finds Lloyd funny. 
- She enjoys having a conversation with Rakshata. 
- The day of her mothers death is a complete blur to her, being one thing she asked before she was given Geass. 
- She captured Schneizels attention when he was how she was really like. 
- She often wears gloves and high heels.

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