Name : Danielle Thomson
Gender : Female
Age : 22 ( Aprox )
Status : Alive
DOB : February 14♡
Affiliation : Noah Family / Clan
Memory : Pride
Weapons : Small Knives tied to invisible Wires
Race : Noah
BloodType : AB
Nationality : English
Height : 5' 7
Weight : { Unknown }
Appearance :
Human ♡
Danielle is given the appearance of a woman around her early twenties, although she never speaks of her real age. She has long, wavy light blonde hair, and light purple eyes. She has a full woman figure, meaning she has a fairly large bust, a small waist, flat stomach, defined hips and long legs. As a human, she was never seen looking anything but perfect, this gave her a vain / proud aspect.
Noah ♥
Her hair changes to a dark blue shade and her pale skin complexion darkens. Her Noah insignia is shown, but since she usually has her bangs down it is not seen. Danielle keeps her upper part of her face hidden, giving irony to being " Pride ", when not showing. No one but Earl and Road, had seen her face and her human form, which most of the Noah are interested in seeing. She is usually seened wearing corsette tops showing a fair amout of cleavage, puffy short skirts or wide slacks with suspenders , high heels and white gloves. Her lips are usually tinted a light shade of pink, being what she usually shows.
Personality :
She keeps both her personalities very similar ; dispite of the case that she becomes rather psychotic when in her Noah form and is usually grinning widely. Being a model in her human form she is usually pampering herself, and making sure she looks perfect. Not being used to working as she does she usually tries her best to wiggle out of work.
Apart from that she is clever and smart, something she wasn't taken serious when human, and it's rather hard to fool her. When forced to do her job she is rather mercyless and will destroy and kill her oponents as quick as she can. She gets annoyed for those who follow her to see her face, mostly by JasDevi and Tyki Mikk, and she is usually seen doing her signature blown kiss, or her index finger before her lips to quiet down.
Abilities :
- As a Noah she is able to control Akumas.
- Her small knives usually appear on the moment, never being seen to be carrying any.
- The thin wire can cut through almost any innocence and any skin when pulled tightly.
- She was a gymnist, this coming to her advantage when in battle, making it easier on her throws
- She usually plays around with her opponents, before letting them figure out that they are constricted
and trapped by her wires.
- She is a con artist, in which she learned by Tyki Mikk.
Personal Stadistics :
Education : 4
Affinaty : 5
Battle Ability : 5
Mental : 4
Flexibility : 5
Activeness : 4
Partner / Crush : Tyki Mikk.
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