Friday, September 6, 2013

Dont Cry - D. Gray Man

Name : Danielle Thomson 

Gender : Female 
Age : 22 ( Aprox ) 

Status : Alive 
DOB : February 14♡ 

Affiliation : Noah Family / Clan 
Memory : Pride 
Weapons : Small Knives tied to invisible Wires 
 Race : Noah 

BloodType : AB 
Nationality : English 

Height : 5' 7 
Weight : { Unknown } 

Appearance : 

Human ♡ 

Danielle is given the appearance of a woman around her early twenties, although she never speaks of her real age. She has long, wavy light blonde hair, and light purple eyes. She has a full woman figure, meaning she has a fairly large bust, a small waist, flat stomach, defined hips and long legs. As a human, she was never seen looking anything but perfect, this gave her a vain / proud aspect. 

 Noah ♥

Her hair changes to a dark blue shade and her pale skin complexion darkens. Her Noah insignia is shown, but since she usually has her bangs down it is not seen. Danielle keeps her upper part of her face hidden, giving irony to being " Pride ", when not showing. No one but Earl and Road, had seen her face and her human form, which most of the Noah are interested in seeing. She is usually seened wearing corsette tops showing a fair amout of cleavage, puffy short skirts or wide slacks with suspenders , high heels and white gloves. Her lips are usually tinted a light shade of pink, being what she usually shows. 

Personality : 
She keeps both her personalities very similar ; dispite of the case that she becomes rather psychotic when in her Noah form and is usually grinning widely. Being a model in her human form she is usually pampering herself, and making sure she looks perfect. Not being used to working as she does she usually tries her best to wiggle out of work. 

Apart from that she is clever and smart, something she wasn't taken serious when human, and it's rather hard to fool her. When forced to do her job she is rather mercyless and will destroy and kill her oponents as quick as she can. She gets annoyed for those who follow her to see her face, mostly by JasDevi and Tyki Mikk, and she is usually seen doing her signature blown kiss, or her index finger before her lips to quiet down. 

Abilities : 

- As a Noah she is able to control Akumas. 
- Her small knives usually appear on the moment, never being seen to be carrying any. 
- The thin wire can cut through almost any innocence and any skin when pulled tightly. 
- She was a gymnist, this coming to her advantage when in battle, making it easier on her throws 
- She usually plays around with her opponents, before letting them figure out that they are constricted and trapped by her wires.
 - She is a con artist, in which she learned by Tyki Mikk. 

Personal Stadistics : 

Education : 4 
Affinaty : 5 
Battle Ability : 5 
Mental : 4 
Flexibility : 5 
Activeness : 4 

Partner / Crush : Tyki Mikk.

Your Sense Are Connected, But Not To Your Brain - Code Geass


Name: Antoinette Belle Leroux 
Nicknames: Belle 
Alias: Phantom 

Age: 17-18 
Gender: Female 

Date of Birth: Demeber 25, 2000 
Date of Death: n/a 

Bloodtype: AB+ 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Nationality: French 

[Personal Status] 

Status: Alive 

Knighted, Duchess of the Holy Britannian Empire 
Daughter of the Prime Minister of France 
Funder of The Black Knights Strategist of the Black Knights (3rd in command) 
Future Princess of Britannia (By Political Marriage) 
Guest Council Chairman of the United Federations of Nations. 

Prime Minister of France (Next in Line) 

[Appearance and Style Details] 

Height : 5’5 
Weight: 115 

Body Type: Hour Glass 
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde 
Eye Color: Dark Blue 
Skin Tone: Cream Toned Clothing 

Style: Civil, yet fashionable and chic 
Scent: Lila 
Noticeable Features: Her long, thick curled lashes and pouty pink lips. 

[Professional Status] 

Knightmare Pilot 
Public Figure 
Duchess of Britannia 

United Federation of Nations 
The Black Knights 
Holy Britannian Empire 
French Imperial Family 

[Personality Details] 

Antoinette is a sweet and gentle girl, who reaches the expectations of basically everyone. She is always laughing and can be honest, and outspoken. She is considered a delight to most people and can be seen as clutzy and clueless. 

Behind closed doors, Antoinette is actually extremely intelligent, and can be a tad sadist. She is cruel and honest to the bone, she acts conceited and is bored very easily. She likes a mental challenge and often finds it in the Black Knights. 

She is very vengeful, witty and laughs at inappropriate moments, when it comes to business she is serious and does not joke around, this side not really seen by a lot of people.  


As a child Antoinette lived a very spoiled and enclosed. Her father, Gaston Leroux was very protective of her, and wanted his child to be safe, after an incident with Britannia, that tried to take over Europe with war, ending by killing her mother, Angeline. 

She was kept enclosed, homeschooled, she never went out unless with her father and to go shopping. She found her entertainment in books, being what she read and did during most of her years. She developed a photogenic memory, learning at an extremely fast rate to the point where she has skipped lessons and academic levles. 

She grew extremely bored and dreamed of going out, but her father forbid her to do such. 

By the time she was 16, she had been arranged to marry Schneizel el Britannia, as a ways of putting all differences aside and creating peace between Europe and Britannia.

 A week after she turned 17, her father died, saying to have been poisoned and blamed the house keeper for it, when in reality, Antoinette had done it for revenge of forcing her into marriage, and the hatred she felt for having her so enclosed for her entire life. 

After her fathers death, she inherited everything, making the young teen extremely wealthy and in line as the Prime Minister of France, but decided to keep that on hold for the moment.

She travels a lot of Britannia, mainly with her husband to be and was once kidnapped by the Black Knights, unknown to Lelouch, the girl had a small secret that no one knew, she possessed Geass, and was able to read the males ‘profile’ discovering who he was. After some time she was sworn to secrecy, once she was offered to become an ally, finding the reason and the whole structure so entriguing she decided to accept, being the main source of money (In which she usually says it’s for shopping and covers up as such). 


Knightmare Pilot; Phantom
Knightmare Frame: Sakkaku (Illusion) 
Unit Type: Aircraft Commander Eight Generation Knightmare Frame 

Manifacturer: Militarized Zone of India 
Primary User: The Black Knights 
Status: Active 
Pilot: Antoinette Belle Leroux 

- Crew: One 
- Height: 4.49 meter 
- Weight: 8.81 tons 
- Power Source : Yggdrasil Drive, Energy Filler. 

Design Feature: 
- Air Glide Wing System 
- Cockpit Ejection System 
- Blaze Luminous System 
- Factsphere System 
- Landspinner Propulsion 

System Arment: 
- Missile Launching Shield 
- VARIS Rifle 

 Optional Arment: 
- Special Design sensor to project her illusions. 

Contracter: Unknown 
Eye held : Both (Perfectly controlled) 

- Create illusions 
- Read peoples profile, personal information about themselves 
- Cannot be affected by other geass. 

- Gets massive headaches and can passout if used an a large amount. 
- If a V.V is near, it is interrupted and faded. 


Being such a high figure, Antoinette cannot reveal herself in battles, in which she rarely does. She is her cold hearted self with a hint of sarcastic. Once usually stands back and watches, creating a small game of chess in which she moves just as the fight goes along and from there she plans the next move if in crisis. When she does battle, she covers her face with a helmet, and her Knightmare frame has a way to change in her voice when speaking to sound like a male. 

[Marital Status] 

Civil Status: Engaged (Political Marriage) 
FiancĂ©: Schneizel el Britannia 
Crush: Lelouch Vi Britannia 


 - It is not known to any, but she has actually beaten Schneizel in a game of chess once. 
- She enjoys going to Ashford Academy’s Festivals, and finds them fun. 
- It is unknown to Charles Zi Britannia that other geass do not affect her, so once he tried to erase her memory she played along. 
- She has a fear of bugs, since she was closed in for so long, she had never experienced them. 
 - She often spends time with Nunnally in the Castle. 
- She has a strong dislike to Kallen. 
- She enjoys hiding her face behind a handfan that was her mothers and acts as her. 
- She is a major tease. 
- She likes to wander around and find out information on the Knights of Round. 
- She finds Lloyd funny. 
- She enjoys having a conversation with Rakshata. 
- The day of her mothers death is a complete blur to her, being one thing she asked before she was given Geass. 
- She captured Schneizels attention when he was how she was really like. 
- She often wears gloves and high heels.

I Love You Like A Love Song - Vocaloid


Name: Aime Shirayuki 
Nickname: Ai 

Age: 18 
Ethnicity: Japanese 

Languages: Japanese, English, Korean 

Number : 01 


Height: 5'4 
Weight: 110 

Hair Color: Red 
Eye Color: Green 
Bodytype: Pear 

Famous For: Natural red lips 
 Fashion Style : Girly, Lolita, Victorian 

Character Color : Ruby 
Character Item : Small Tiara on her head Music 

Genre : Pop, Opera, Ballad 

Voice Type : Girlish, soft (Like Kanon Wakeshima)

ID Password U R LOVE - Air Gear


Name: Desiree Kazuki
Alias: Dessi , Nightmare Queen
Age: -
Blood Type: AB+

Class : Queen
Race: Gravity Child

 Birth date: Uknown
 Birth Place: Uknown

Languages: French, Japanese & Latin


Height: 5'4
Weight: -
Hair Color: Purple with Pink
Eye Color: Blue
Bodytype: Hour Glass

Famous For: Her Long legs and lashes
Fashion Style : Lolita, girly


Occupation: Cosmetologist, Model


 Created as a First Generation Gravity Child, she was exposed to A-Ts since birth. Her skills seemed to lack, in which was a little difficult to keep her into the program and was one of the first to be disposed. She was kept by the plead of many of the other Gravity Children such as : Kilik, Sora, Spitfire and Nike. She was spared, by the time being, but was to be exposed with the rest. Once they were all sparred she had escaped with the Rest of the Gravity Children and there began her life.

 Because of some dysfunctions on her creation, once she had reached the teenage level, she had obtain that form permanently. Meaning that she does not age, so her real age is unknown off. She lived her life as a normal female. She posses a photogenic memory, unknown to be of her own of the twinkle eyes.

 She is a member of Genesis, but former Sleeping Forest Member.


 Dessi is an extremely girly and flirtatious female, getting things her way and when she wants it. She can be quite cocky and seducing, only to make the others nervous, in which she enjoys. She is extremely fashionable, always wearing something different no matter what, and is usually helped by Spitfire to have her fix her hair in different styles.

She is prideful and has no shame in it, but she has a good reason for it, being smart, beautiful and a Queen.

She does have a down side, her body is seemed to be controlled by the human Sins, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony & Wrath, this is unknown to why, also thought to be some dysfunction while she was being created.

Lust & Pride : These are not taken to much in mind, since these are her main personality traits.

Envy & Greed: She acts upon jealousy, she does not stand to be second to do or have anything, she becomes angry and usually does everything she can to make sure she is the only one.

Sloth & Gluttony: Apart from her devious ways, she also tends to be lazy when it comes to her challenges, due to pride she doesn't take them seriously. She is usually seen eating some sort of sweet or food in general, but does not gain weight.

Wrath: This has to be her worse trait.. She becomes very aggressive when she is upset, or in the middle of serious race. Her head begins to ache, she licks her lips and her grin turns devious, she becomes violent and has known to kill those who had tried to take her place as Nightmare Queen.


 ROAD: Nocte Diei Road { Latin : Day & Night Road }
The Day and Night Road was founded and taken over by Desiree herself, how she found it is something she keeps secret from everyone, but it is seen in the markings of her body, the top of her right breast usually takes a symbol depending of the time of day. Either being a moon or a sun.

It is an extremely difficult road to master, not only because it is very difficult to find the Infinity Atmosphere, but also because the Nightmare Queen, does not allow it.

This road brings in a small combination from the other roads expect the Wind Road, which is what makes it confusing and reacts mainly to a person senses.

Type of Road : UNIQUE

ORIGINAL: Desiree Kazuki
CURRENT: Desiree Kazuki


Nightmare Regalia AT Description:
Her ATs are quite the peculiar one, she is not really known if always wearing them, but its thought as such. Her ATs are seen as quite thin and small. During the day they are white, with a gold border and the symbol of the sun that reflects on the front of the AT. During the night, they turn black, with a dark pink lining border, the symbol of the moon appears on the ankle and they reach to her thighs.


Requiem Infinito {Infinite Rest} : This is usually brought by her Wrath Filled side, this is an ultimate attack that no one has survived to speak about, and her normal self does not know of it.

Capti in Insania {Trapped In Madness} : Illusion technique, usually is used to distract her opponents. Once she throws a small kiss to her opponent, means she usually takes the lead, right there she leaves a small marking unseen to the rest and once passed by it, there the opponent will be in a continuous warp, where he will end up in the same exact place the mark was placed.

Tantibus Exordior {Nightmare Warp} : The nightmare Warp is usually at night used, Desiree taps her ATs together twice, to a relaxing lullaby in which is known to place the opponent to rest without them knowing of such, since they will see it as it as the normal competition at first. After a few minutes all of the persons most Dreaded fears and nightmares will come to life and attack.

 Diligit Geminus Knife {Loves Double Knife} : From the back of her ATS two knives will appear, in which is used for directs combat.

Oculos Dolosa {Deceitful Eyes} : Once Desiree winks at the males during the race, at the first blink their subconscious will become unknowing and disoriented, thriving the Opponent to confusion and with a temporary amnesia if not careful.

Infinita Lux {Infinite Light} : This is something more powerful for Desiree, she rarely uses such attack, but from the inhuman speed that this attack brings, a white light will come out of her ATS, being able to blink those who are behind her.

TEAM: Genesis
{Solo Rider| Lovely Doll} Tricks people when bored.
PREVIOUS TEAM: Sleeping Forest

 Partner : Aizuke Minase { Made Up } - TUNOR


- Like every gravity child, she is able to see her surroundings in 3D.
- Because of her photogenic memory, she knows all the ways of the city, and is usually riding other ways to find new shortcuts and or new roads to race in.
- Her eyes are extremely delicate, so in the morning she is seen wearing shades or a hat.
- Above it all she is pretty close to SIMCA.
- Her next target is to obtain the GEM REGALIA, in which she is extremely close to obtaining.
 - She is still in the Gaia Road.
- She finds Ringo over protective and bipolar, which makes her laugh.
- She laughs in appropriate moments.