Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Misguided Truth - NANA


B A S I C 

Name: Ailanesse Hiozaki 
Nickname: Aila 
Age: 22 

Birth date: December 22
Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan 
Nationality : American, Japanese 

Languages: Japanese, French, English 

Occupation: Fashion designer, Model, Cosmetologist 

Family : 
Diana Roberts-Hiozaki [Mother / deceased] 
Usui Hiozaki [Father / Unknown] 

A P P E A R A N C E 

Height: 5'8 
Weight: 110 

Hair Color: Light blonde 
Hair Length: To her lower back 
Eye Color: light purple 
Bodytype: Hour glass 
Famous For: Natural pouty lips 

Fashion Style: Chic / Provocative 

P E R S O N A L I T Y 

Aila is a very lively girl, who is full of sex appeal and charisma. She is considered stuck up to most people, for the simple fact that she acknowledges that she is attractive and enjoys taking compliments. Apart from that, she is extremely flirty, but does play hard to get just to tease. She is an aspired fashionista, and would stop at nothing to be ontop of the fashion headlights. 

She is very observing and dedicated, she also seems to have a bad case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and is a strict perfectionist when it comes to her appeal and her work. She does not sleep much, but does know how to cover up with make up.
 She tends to be straight forward and speaks her mind, even if she is not asked to. 

When it comes to her area of expertise, which is everything that has to do with fashion & make up, she is extremely bright, but don't let her looks fool you. She is also pretty smart, although she doesn't put it out as such. 

S T O R Y / B A C K G R O U N D 

Aila was born, Alianesse Hiozaki, in Japan. Her mother, Diana was a American and her father, Haruka being Japanese. She was born in the heart of Japan, Tokyo. Her childhood wasn't something she could describe as dramatic, nor sad. Her father was a business man, and her mother was well known Cosmetologist. 

When Aila turned 8, her father had gone through a terrible law suit that ended up in bankrupt. Losing his job, he stressed out, he began drinking and one night, just never returned. So everything fell upon her mother, who was struggling with her job and depression. Her mother committed suicide while Aila was out in school, being told that her mother had died from natural causes that she wouldn't understand. 

Aila stood at an orphanage during her early teens, and was enrolled into high school in Japan, where she became close friends with Layla, Yasu and Nobu. 

During her highschool years, her over developed figure and knowledge with hair and make up, plus her love her fashion had made her superficial and extremely popular. She made her money working at a beauty salon while she studied fashion during her nights. She began making her own clothing that became popular very quick, doing special requests until she had made enough to open her own small business, along side money that she had made as a run way and fashion model. 

T R I V I A 

- Ailas fashion line is the one used for TRAPNEST thanks to Layla. 
- Aila has a very small waist, may even be called unnatural due to all the corsets she used to use. 
- Aila lets no soul touch her hair when it comes to styling. She does everything on her own. 
- She dyed Shins hair blue. 
- She smokes to relieve stress. 
- She is usually seen in high heels. 
- Her house is incredibly spacious, mainly for her clothing. 
- She does enjoy drinking, and has gotten drunk on many occasions, but has never been that bad to bring a stranger into her home. 
- Her clothing line is the favorite of Nana Komatsu

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