Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Misguided Truth - NANA


B A S I C 

Name: Ailanesse Hiozaki 
Nickname: Aila 
Age: 22 

Birth date: December 22
Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan 
Nationality : American, Japanese 

Languages: Japanese, French, English 

Occupation: Fashion designer, Model, Cosmetologist 

Family : 
Diana Roberts-Hiozaki [Mother / deceased] 
Usui Hiozaki [Father / Unknown] 

A P P E A R A N C E 

Height: 5'8 
Weight: 110 

Hair Color: Light blonde 
Hair Length: To her lower back 
Eye Color: light purple 
Bodytype: Hour glass 
Famous For: Natural pouty lips 

Fashion Style: Chic / Provocative 

P E R S O N A L I T Y 

Aila is a very lively girl, who is full of sex appeal and charisma. She is considered stuck up to most people, for the simple fact that she acknowledges that she is attractive and enjoys taking compliments. Apart from that, she is extremely flirty, but does play hard to get just to tease. She is an aspired fashionista, and would stop at nothing to be ontop of the fashion headlights. 

She is very observing and dedicated, she also seems to have a bad case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and is a strict perfectionist when it comes to her appeal and her work. She does not sleep much, but does know how to cover up with make up.
 She tends to be straight forward and speaks her mind, even if she is not asked to. 

When it comes to her area of expertise, which is everything that has to do with fashion & make up, she is extremely bright, but don't let her looks fool you. She is also pretty smart, although she doesn't put it out as such. 

S T O R Y / B A C K G R O U N D 

Aila was born, Alianesse Hiozaki, in Japan. Her mother, Diana was a American and her father, Haruka being Japanese. She was born in the heart of Japan, Tokyo. Her childhood wasn't something she could describe as dramatic, nor sad. Her father was a business man, and her mother was well known Cosmetologist. 

When Aila turned 8, her father had gone through a terrible law suit that ended up in bankrupt. Losing his job, he stressed out, he began drinking and one night, just never returned. So everything fell upon her mother, who was struggling with her job and depression. Her mother committed suicide while Aila was out in school, being told that her mother had died from natural causes that she wouldn't understand. 

Aila stood at an orphanage during her early teens, and was enrolled into high school in Japan, where she became close friends with Layla, Yasu and Nobu. 

During her highschool years, her over developed figure and knowledge with hair and make up, plus her love her fashion had made her superficial and extremely popular. She made her money working at a beauty salon while she studied fashion during her nights. She began making her own clothing that became popular very quick, doing special requests until she had made enough to open her own small business, along side money that she had made as a run way and fashion model. 

T R I V I A 

- Ailas fashion line is the one used for TRAPNEST thanks to Layla. 
- Aila has a very small waist, may even be called unnatural due to all the corsets she used to use. 
- Aila lets no soul touch her hair when it comes to styling. She does everything on her own. 
- She dyed Shins hair blue. 
- She smokes to relieve stress. 
- She is usually seen in high heels. 
- Her house is incredibly spacious, mainly for her clothing. 
- She does enjoy drinking, and has gotten drunk on many occasions, but has never been that bad to bring a stranger into her home. 
- Her clothing line is the favorite of Nana Komatsu

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sleeping Beauty - Vampire Knight

Lovelie Prevot 

 B A S I C 

Name: Lovelie Antoinette Prevot 
Nickname: Pureblood Princess 
Age: (2000+) 18 

Birth date: February 14 
Birth Place: Paris France 
Nationality : French 
Languages: Japanese, French, Latin 

Race: Pureblood 
Occupation: Student, Model 
Weapon: Thin invisible wires that can cut through almost anything 

Family : 
Sara Shirabuki (Distant Family / deceased) 
Ouri (Distant Family by marriage / deceased) 
Angeline Prevot (Mother/ desceased) 
Gustav Prevot (Father/ desceased) 
Albert Prevot (Older brother / unknown) 
 Rido Kuran (Fiancèe ) 

A P P E A R A N C E 

Height: 5'8 
Weight: 110 

Hair Color: Light Blonde 
Hair Length: To her lower back 
Eye Color: Light Purple 

Bodytype: Hour glass 
Famous For: Her long thick natural lashes 
Fashion Style: Victorian 

P E R S O N A L I T Y 

Lovelie is presented as a if a child, she is extremely curious about the world outside of nobility, and may see everything through different eyes. Often saying things bluntly without knowing the consequences of her words. Ruka Soen & Aidou Hanabusa, particularly do not have a liking to her, because she is often commenting on their life style as simple. She does not mean it in a stuck up way, but the two can't simply get that through their heads. 

She is also very proper, to an extent that yes, she has mocked others who do not act properly. She is surprisingly intelligent, proved by finishing a game of chess and shoji below record time, but as stated by Sara, she is naturally clumsy and blunt. 

She is secretive, and can be sadistic behind closed curtains, being something she was learning from her distant relative Sara, and had learned how to be manipulative and hold no remorse. But of course all of that is something that she was to keep quiet and let no one ever know. 

Apart from that, she can be sweet and smart mouthed, also a little sassy for those that seem to be as she states 'out of her way' and will not tolerate insults. 

S T O R Y / B A C K G R O U N D 

Lovelie was born in Paris, France, both of her parents High powered Purebloods. She lived a very spoiled life and got to meet very important people. On her 18th birthday she was to be engaged to the re-awakend Kuran Kaname, since she is told to be descended from the 'Ancestress' Hooded woman. But it was all placed aside when the Kurans had arranged Kuran Kaname to their second Child, Yuuki Kuran all along. 

She was placed into a deep slumber like many purebloods had. She was promised to awaken once her fiancè, Rido Kuran were to awaken as well. That way she was to live her life with him. Almost 2 thousand years had passed and the Vampire Association had secretly awoken the pureblood into their world. 

She was sent to live for some time with Sara and Ouri, where she had learned that real reason why she was put into slumber was to send her quickly into hiding since the Vampire Hunters Association were bringing an uproar to the Vampires where she lived, and ended up killing all of them, including her parents. Her brother was unknown of. 

There she began learning all the wrong things from Sara, needing a successor if something were to go wrong and told her all the secrets of a Pureblood and all of the horrible deeds she had done. 

R E L A N T I O N S H I P S 

[Kaname Kuran] 

Although she had just met Kaname Kuran, personally. She felt a sudden connection with him, said to be that the Ancestress had still loved him, and part of her was directly descended into Lovelie. 
 She becomes infatuated by him, but tries to control herself knowing that she was to marry Rido instead, because she knew of her engagement with Yuuki Kuran. Through all of that, she is close to Kaname, and seems to only trust him, enough to show her vulnerable side when she becomes lightly unstable from Saras hauntings once she passed. 

[Rido Kuran] 

Lovelie had met Rido when she was 18, to know who she was going to be engaged to. She seemed to be charmed by him being a young adult, who was still hormonal. She was taken by to her homeland, before the killings have been done, and throughout the entire time she was never told of the horrible deeds her fiancèe had done to the Kurans until she was re awoken. Staying engaged with him as something, she claims, to be wishes of her late parents. 

[Sara Shirabuki] 

Sara isn't far family of Lovelie, she had claimed that once she is woken up from her almost 2000 year slumber, play mother to her. In reality, Sara thought that Lovelie had died as well, and was unaware that she was being hidden so she wasn't one of Saras victims. Sara taught her once more etiquette and the modern things that had happened through the years that Lovelie hadn't known about.
 She became a big influence to Lovelie, and considered her as her own daughter. To this she had showed her real self to Lovelie and had passed on her plans to the young teen, making her promise to take on her plans if something were to happen. Once she noticed that Sara had killed Ouri, she became lightly unstable and once Sara had passed she broke down, but kept her composure for her image. Although in her dreams, Sara is seen talking to her, and Lovelie does hear her whisper to carry on what she had left behind. 

[Isaya Shoto]

Isaya was a close friend of Lovelies family, speaking of stories that Lovelie recalled of her childhood and quickly recognized the male. They became close friends, Isaya being the one to teach Lovelie how to defend herself and gave the female some belongings that were left to him by her family, a necklace, a hand fan and her mother's wedding ring. Once given the items, she felt closer to Isaya and considered him as her family, as did he. 


Nothing much is said of her, but something was pointed out. Having the same appeal as the one, but is only recognized by Kaname Kuran. She is said to carry on the love that she had for Kaname, being what explained her infatuation for him. 

 [Kaien Cross] 

 Once Kaien had taken the Kurans to his care, he was showed a letter, in cursive hand writing that asked for the man to please care for Lovelie once she was awoken. Only in a way that she was not killed by anyone and when she was awoken he had ordered her to be brought to him so he could care for her, being why she was enrolled to the Night Class. 

[Senri Shiki] 

Lovelie finds the need to try and become cloes to Senri, since she knows that he is son of her fiancèe and if she were to elope with Rido, he would become her son aswell. She does noticed a small resemblance to Rido, but points out that is not much. 

P O W E R S 

Like many purebloods, Lovelie possesses supernatural powers. Her power in the end has seen to be mainly through mind controlling, just like any pureblood. But she also has the ability to create natural disasters although this she doesn't do much. 

She also claims to have the power of infatuation, which is seen happening, but does not see that it is because of her beauty as a pureblood and power. 

T R I V I A 

- Lovelie is often seen covering herself with either a hand fan or an umbrella. 
- She is a model thanks to Sara. 
- Once woken up, she was called Sleeping Beauty 
- Her coffin was a crystal like. 
- She is one of the tallest females 
- She speaks with a French accent 
- She has a love for any sweets 
- Her favorite color has been revealed to be pink 
- Her waist is unnaturally thin, which is thought to be due to the tight corsette she was wearing once in slumber.